The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Teachers on parade

Moorcroft K-8 teachers Emily Bishop and Jesse Hinkhouse came together recently and called their associates together to form a parade to encourage their students in these challenging days. Bishop explained, “This idea came from both of us seeing different posts on Facebook of teachers doing this in different states and we just thought, wow what an awesome idea for our families! We want our families to know how much we miss them and that we are still here for them during this difficult time. It’s definitely a change not being able to see our students’ smiling faces, give them high fives or hugs, and just be with them in general.”  There were more than 25 vehicles with teachers and staff from both the elementary and high schools. No more than a few gathered around a couple of cars at a time to tape posters, balloons and use markers to write encouraging messages on the windows and doors before beginning their circuit around Moorcroft and then Pine Haven. The procession was lead by Moorcroft police officer Jory Tadlock with lights and sirens. There were many youngsters with their families along the route with their own reciprocating messages of appreciation and heartening words and art. Bishop later enthusiastically reported on the event: “We had an amazing turnout of teachers and families, [and] it was so heartwarming to see the kiddos and how happy they were to see all of the teachers. There were many awesome and creative signs, too, that both teachers and families made. I absolutely love being part of this community. It was truly a memorable and heartfelt moment!”