The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Names sought for County War Memorial

The Crook County War Memorial Committee is seeking names to be added to the Crook County War Memorial. Please submit names, along with a copy of the veteran’s DD Form 214.

In order for a name to be engraved on the War Memorial, the veteran must (1) have been a resident of Crook County at the time of their induction and claimed it as their home of record OR (2) have been serving active duty here in Crook County at the time of their reenlistment (this option is only available to those who served here when the “Radar Site” and the “Nuke Plant” were active military duty stations).

This information can be found on the veteran’s DD Form 214, which must be presented to the Committee for verification.

The first portion of the Crook County War Memorial was erected in 1945 to honor our World War II veterans. The decision to expand it and honor all Crook County veterans who had served in any war or conflict was made in 1987 – at that time veterans from World War I, Korea and Vietnam were added. Names of veterans who served in wars or conflicts have continued to be added to this day.

Unfortunately, many of our local veterans are not eligible for the War Memorial since they did not serve during a war or conflict. We value their service and are looking at ways to recognize them – currently we are researching the creation of a brick courtyard in front of the War Memorial.

Bricks would be able to be purchased and engraved for any veteran who does not qualify to have their name put on the War Memorial itself. Grant funding is being pursued at this time. Watch for further developments!

Please submit names to Jill Mackey at PO Box 1263, Sundance, WY 82729. If you have any questions please call at (307) 290-3111 or email [email protected]