The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Circuit Court

Speeding – Todd Johnson, Powell, WY, 83/80, $5; Tiffany Cowley, Gillette, WY, 84/80, $10; Kelly Murley, Belgrade, MT, 84/80, $10; Caline Olson, Barnesville, MN, 80/75, $15; David Leston Elliott, Moorcroft, WY, 85/80, $15; Andrzej Irla, River Grove, IL, 75/70, $15; Jeremy Jacob Mailloux, Spearfish, SD, 85/80, $15; Jahdiel Sumagang, Zephyrhills, FL, 80/75, $15; Tricia Merriweather, Boise, ID, 80/75, $15; Bonnie Bowser, Topeka, KS, 85/80, $15; Jeffrey Devereaux, Sibley, IA, 80/75, $15; Jose Doreste Baena, Orlando, FL, 49/45, $63; Kyle Vanlant, Gillette, WY, 86/80, $97; Kysar Jolley, Cheyenne, WY,...