The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming
Speeding – Jacob Roth, Bellefontaine, OH, 84/80, $10; Bobbi Robb, Henderson, KY, 85/80, $15; Jo Ann Bachmann, Gillette, WY, 87/80, $99; Kolby Rosser, Summerset, SD, 91/80, $115; Christopher Hall, Rapid City, SD, 93/80, $125; Lee Kravitz, Waltham, MA, 95/80, $135; John Davis, Monroe, OR, 83/65, $150; Cameron R. Wilkinson, Gillette, WY, 93/75, $160
Fail to Report Over $1000 Property Damage or Injury – Tomas K. Hardy, Spearfish, SD, $250
No Auto Insurance – Shellia A. St. George, Sundance, WY, $570
No Camping Permit – Leo Frederick Jo Pavone, Lusk, WY, $150
Fail to Tag Leghold Traps or Snares – J...