The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming





In accordance with the provisions of paragraph 16-6-116, Wyoming State Statutes, 2020 Revised Edition, the Town of Moorcroft, hereby gives notice that Harvey’s Lock & Security, whose address is 414 3rd Street, Rapid city, South Dakota 57701, as prime contractor, has reached substantial completion on the Town of Moorcroft Access Control project in accordance with the specifications and rules set forth in the contract entered into by the Town of Moorcroft and Harvey’s Lock & Security on the effective date of July 10, 2024.

With the Certificate of Substantial Completion issued on this project, the general contractor is entitled to payment upon the forty-first (41st) day after this notice was first published for the amount retained under W.S. 16-6-702(b) together with any other amount due under the contract, less any amount withheld for the portion of work that is incomplete or not completed.

Payment will be made on January 29, 2025, the forty-first (41st) day from publishing this acceptance. Any disputed claims for material and labor performed under the contract should be made to the Town of Moorcroft, 104 North Big Horn Avenue, Moorcroft, WY 82721 prior to this date.

Town of Moorcroft

Dale Petersen

Mayor Pro-Tem

Publish: December 19 and 26, 2024 and January 2, 2025

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