The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Public input sought on bar closing times

Council considers request to rescind order mandating early Sunday closure

About a year ago, Moorcroft approved an ordinance mandating 10 p.m. early closure of all bars on Sundays as per the Wyoming Liquor Division recommendations. With the current relaxation on the early curfew by the state, Deere Haven recently sent a letter to the town’s governing body requesting a variance of said law, allowing them to stay open until 2 a.m.

Recognizing the likelihood of Dewey’s Place following Deere Haven’s example and seeking exemption, the council is considering simply rescinding the ordinance.

However, the governing body is divided in their outlook. Mayor Dick Claar stated, “I’m not particularly in favor of it. I don’t think there’s that much happening on most Sundays anyway.”

Councilman Austin Smith, though, approved the change, noting, “From the few times I’ve been in there, Sunday’s their busiest night [and] I hate to turn business down if they have the opportunity to make money.”

Police Chief Bill Bryant brought to the body’s attention the issue of manpower such a change will prompt, saying, “We’ll have to rework everything to [cover that].” This is a concern shared by his predecessor, Doug Lundborg.

Councilman Ben Glenn suggested that over the weeks needed for the three readings of the new municipal order rescinding the 10 p.m. closure, the public share their thoughts: “Maybe the public will come in and visit with us, saying either it’s not going to work or it is and by then Bill can work up the man hours and what it will cost us.”

The council directed Town Attorney Patrick Carpenter to change the language of the existing ordinance to specific allowances.

Councilman Dale Petersen spoke to the writing of a letter in this matter: “I appreciate the letter, but I also appreciate them coming to the council.” A sentiment agreed upon by the body.

The governing body has asked that the bar owners attend the next meeting of council on June 28 to further discuss the ordinance and residents are also encouraged to come or write and share their opinion and reasons for choosing why the bars should remain on or be released from the 10 p.m. closure.

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