The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Project Blue Light

Project Blue Light is a nationwide recognition of law enforcement officers who show up every day and put their lives on the line for anyone in trouble; the men and women who smile and wave when neighbors pass them and respond without delay when called.

Moorcroft employs three such officers: Police Chief Bill Bryant, Officer Jake Miller and Officer Nick Curley. These men work diligently to ensure the safety of town residents.

Pine Haven contracts the municipal streets to the Crook County Sheriff’s Department and knows that the deputies patrol conscientiously and are on hand if needed.

Recognizing those who return to their families at the end of their shift and those who do not; the thousands of heroic acts these individuals make every day, so many of which the people they protect and help never know about, the Wyoming Association of Sheriffs and Chiefs of Police, Menards of Casper and the Bryan Gross Memorial Foundation are asking Wyoming residents to show their support for these first responders.

To do so, residents throughout the state are encouraged to change their existing porch lights to blue bulbs. These bulbs are available for free as long as supplies last at local law enforcement offices. One light bulb per household.