The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Youth Library News

Kids paint class will be January 7 at 10 a.m., sign up with Miss Lacey, only ten spots available. Youth book club (teens/tweens) will resume in January. Books may be picked up anytime in January with the book discussion on February 11 at 4 p.m.

New Arrivals!

K-3: Bear’s Bad Day: Bullies Can Change by Wiley Blevins, A Short History of Christmas (non-fiction) by Sally Lee, Patches the Cat by Lisa Mullarkey.

Juvenile: Constance and the Dangerous Crossing: A Mayflower Survival Story (Girls Survive series) by Julie Gilbert, Sonic the Hedgehog: Fallout Part 1 (graphic novel) by Ian Flynn, Amelia Erroway: Castaway Commander (graphic novel) by Betsy Peterschmidt.

Young Adult: This Tiny Perfect World by Lauren Gibaldi tells the story of a transformative summer in the life of a girl who discovers just how wide the world really is, and that the life everyone expects her to lead may not be the one she was meant to have.