The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Showing appreciation

First responders recognized on anniversary of Pine Haven fire

Pine Haven Mayor Karla Brandenburg and council recognized first responders at last Tuesday night's meeting with handshakes and smiles.

Council members positioned themselves in a standing room only chamber as firemen and EMTs came forward as their names were called according to their years in service.

"A year ago," Brandenburg espoused, "Last year, we only had eight to ten fire fighters; today, we are up to 20 firefighters and we thank all of you."

June 16 was "the first anniversary of the big fire we had here in town", the mayor reminisced on last summer's close call.

"Not only did our volunteer first responders help save our community, but we had lots of people and equipment from the Pine Haven residents and all over the county come to help in a very timely fashion. Without them, I think we would have had a lot more extensive damage that would have happened here so we'd like to take time to thank you guys...That's what this is all about, neighbors helping neighbors."

The proximity of those flames can still be seen on the northwest side of town, within a few yards of houses in certain areas and only stopped by the diligence and training practiced by volunteers.

Amid much applause, Brandenburg explained the intention of the governing body to install plaques for all Pine Haven first responders and paintings of said fire by Steff Mummert in the community center in appreciation of all the volunteers who fought that blaze.

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