The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Street to be sealed in time for winter

The concrete streets that beautify several of Moorcroft's residential blocks are holding up very well since the initial installation. However, an issue with a crack running along Park Street has been a concern for the Moorcroft Council for some time.

The governing body had hoped to leave it until the work could be added to a project, thus alleviating extra cost to the town, but the damage is now at a point where further delay can possibly do more harm and there is no project planned at this time to which to add this work.

Councilman Dale Petersen addressed the question to HDR Engineering's Heath Turbiville at Monday's meeting:

"Over the winter, that's not going to expand, letting water in there to freeze? I'm concerned that if we don't do something, we're going to get further cracking."

Turbiville agreed, "It would probably be a good idea."

Mayor Ben Glenn discussed with Turbiville the most efficient type of fill, "It has to be, I understand, a hot pour because it needs to go all the way down in. I concerned that if we don't get all the way to the bottom and start sealing that thing up...I'd rather see a pourable product all the way to the bottom and up." Again, the engineer agreed with this observation.

Turbiville and Public Works Director Cory Allison (in absentia) were advised to examine the damage and figure the amount of product, etc to provide council with an estimate.

"So," Petersen said, "we can figure out what this is going to cost us. I don't know a lot about that stuff, but if had that crack in my driveway, I'd be sealing that thing up."