The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Mine plans spur concern

Black Hills Bentonite LLC of Casper, WY has asked for a permit to mine bentonite a couple miles south of Pine Haven. At last week's public meeting of Pine Haven Council, residents and Land Quality Division of the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) representatives entertained approximately 60 guests from Pine Haven and the surrounding area to discuss concerns about the mining process.

Mayor Karla Brandenburg later noted, "All who spoke objected to the mine being built in the area it is projected. Most of the concerns were about air and water quality, with the closeness to the town and the people living in the area of the mine."

DEQ Land Quality division administrator Kyle Wendtland will decide whether or not to approve Black Hills Bentonite LLC's request to move forward with the next step of applying for permits for air and water quality before the mine becomes a reality.

Brandenburg advises any and all area residents to contact Wendtland and/or the DEQ's Air Quality Engineer Jamie O'Dell, who "made it very clear that she would like to hear from anyone with concerns with the air quality".

The actual mining process can be witnessed firsthand at this company's other nearby site that has been in production for more than a year thus far. On the south side of Interstate 90 from the Pine Ridge exit, one may see the work from the road.

Contact Kyle Wendtland at 307-777-7046 or email at [email protected] and Jamie O'Dell at 307-675-5626 or [email protected].

The mayor encourages anyone who may have concerns or comments to "please voice your opinion to these people, they are willing to listen".