The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Thanks in a warm meal at Donna's

For a second year, the Moorcroft Senior Center, in cooperation with Donna's Diner, has celebrated Veterans Day with free breakfasts for the warriors, past and present. Seventeen vets and their guests enjoyed a warm morning meal and time among others who share many memories.

Army veteran Arnie Altaffer and wife Penny enjoyed the breakfast. Altaffer served in the jungles of Viet Nam from 1967 to 1969.

"I was a combat veteran so I was out in the boonies," he said. Zien was his base camp, but he seldom saw it, "I probably only saw it about two weeks in the whole year."

Dennis Allen served during Viet Nam in the Army, (1969-1970). He said of the recognition, "I appreciate it." He highly recommended the tasty free meal.

Eldon Rasmussen, who was just finishing up, served two tours on a troop carrier hauling marines into Korea, saying, "I was their taxi."

Air Force veteran Walt Campbell was with security during Viet Nam, stating, "I was part of Viet Nam, but I was never in-country." His wife, Kathleen, supported him during those years and does still.

Co-owner of Donna's Diner Kandi Elliott noticed the slight drop in numbers of vets who attended the meal this year from last, "but it was kind of cold this year". Elliott wants all vets to know that they appreciate their service.

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