The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Moorcroft seeks grant for MTC

As the council discussed the upcoming decisions regarding the MTC at Monday’s workshop, members were disappointed to hear there had been no more input from the public since the last meeting of the governing body.

With that said, the federally funded American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grant has been adjusted for this round of applications to include the possibility of receiving funds to work on projects, under particular criteria, like the MTC.

Consequently, Moorcroft has chosen to apply in the amount of $450,000 “for the implementation of a comprehensive rehabilitation process to improve the Moorcroft Town Center public safety and ADA access [throughout the building]”, according to town Clerk/Treasurer Cheryl Schneider.

Though a small step, it can begin the work of bringing the building a bit further along the road to a fully functioning venue for those who work within the walls.

Responding to Councilman Dale Petersen stating his disagreement with moving forward and moving town hall without funding already in place, Cheryl Schneider reminded the council, “Should you be successful and get that grant, we do have a grant match that we have to plan for, but you do have the specific purpose tax that can be used for that improvement.”

“I know we’re hesitant to jump in with both feet,” Mayor Ben Glenn pushed for a definitive decision, “but I still think we need to find that answer out.”

There is, though, no guarantee of this happening at the next meeting. A couple of the council members continue to hesitate to put a motion forward in either direction, resulting in the limbo in which the entire project has existed for several years.

“I’ve heard from both sides,” Councilman Bob Stewart spoke to the point, “You’re going to make some people happy and you’re going to make some people mad. It’s a no-win situation.”

People interested, but unable to attend in person, are encouraged to send comments to Cheryl Schneider at town hall before the upcoming February meeting to be counted. Check out the town site and FaceBook for more information.

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