The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

School Salaries




$138,700.00       subtotal $138,700.00

Coordinator / Director

$7,000.00 $45,574.00 $49,318.00 $50,566.00

$74,000.00 $79,000.00 $87,500.00   subtotal $406,958.00

Principal, High School

$89,500.00 $90,750.00 $94,750.00   subtotal $275,000.00

Principal, Elementary

$90,250.00 $91,000.00     subtotal $181,250.00

Assistant Principal, Elem/Sec

$84,250.00       subtotal $84,250.00

Instructional Facilitator

$5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 $5,000.00

$5,000.00 $46,025.00 $70,075.00 $79,750.00 subtotal $220,850.00

Teacher: Elementary, Kindergarten

$48,050.00 $50,100.00 $50,400.00 $51,125.00

$54,475.00 $54,500.00 $61,650.00 $73,150.00 subtotal $443,450.00

Teacher: Elementary, First Grade

$45,000.00 $45,850.00 $46,025.00 $49,100.00

$57,550.00 $71,100.00 $73,150.00   subtotal $387,775.00

Teacher: Elementary, Second Grade

$48,050.00 $48,075.00 $51,325.00 $52,325.00

$55,500.00 $61,100.00     subtotal $316,375.00

Teacher: Elementary, Third Grade

$48,050.00 $49,840.00 $51,125.00 $56,525.00

$60,625.00       subtotal $266,165.00

Teacher: Elementary, Fourth Grade

$48,250.00 $51,125.00 $52,150.00 $53,175.00

$65,750.00 $70,075.00     subtotal $340,525.00

Teacher: Elementary, Fifth Grade

$52,325.00 $56,525.00 $58,575.00 $62,575.00

$69,050.00 $71,000.00     subtotal $370,050.00

Teacher: Elementary, Sixth Grade

$56,525.00 $58,575.00 $59,075.00 $59,600.00

$60,700.00       subtotal $294,475.00

Teacher: Elementary, Multiple Grades

$49,075.00 $53,450.00     subtotal $102,525.00

Teacher: Business

$43,040.00       subtotal $43,040.00

Teacher: Language Arts

$24,444.00 $31,752.00 $43,988.00 $45,144.00

$47,025.00 $52,450.00 $53,450.00 $54,475.00

$72,125.00 $73,150.00     subtotal $498,003.00

Teacher: Foreign Language

$44,631.00 $57,860.00     subtotal $102,491.00

Teacher: Science

$25,262.00 $36,575.00 $48,050.00 $53,175.00

$59,825.00 $63,925.00 $73,150.00   subtotal $359,962.00

Teacher: Social Studies

$6,669.00 $14,663.00 $17,556.00 $50,275.00

$53,175.00 $61,650.00 $77,150.00   subtotal $281,138.00

Teacher: Mathematics

$19,640.00 $47,025.00 $49,075.00 $51,125.00

$53,350.00 $57,575.00 $65,750.00   subtotal $343,540.00

Teacher: Music, Elementary

$6,258.00 $58,338.00 $68,963.00   subtotal $133,559.00

Teacher: Music, General

$43,013.00 $45,892.00 $63,650.00   subtotal $152,555.00

Teacher: Art, High School

$31,450.00 $56,425.00 $56,625.00   subtotal $144,500.00

Teacher: Art, Elementary

$31,450.00 $45,000.00     subtotal $76,450.00

Teacher: PE and Health, High School

$51,125.00 $54,863.00 $55,525.00 $55,594.00 subtotal $217,107.00

Teacher: PE and Health, Middle / Jr. High

$7,890.00 $36,575.00     subtotal $44,465.00

Teacher: PE and Health, Elementary

$43,538.00 $47,025.00     subtotal $90,563.00

Teacher: Career and Technical Education

$24,210.00 $29,460.00 $47,025.00 $47,050.00

$48,425.00 $50,100.00 $51,425.00 $56,425.00

$60,700.00 $60,700.00     subtotal $475,520.00

Counselor, High School

$31,649.00 $56,830.00 $70,130.00 $71,790.00 subtotal $230,399.00

Counselor, Elementary

$34,181.00 $60,150.00 $68,470.00   subtotal $162,801.00

Librarian, Elementary

$51,300.00       subtotal $51,300.00

Aide, Library / Media

$11,688.00 $20,914.00 $22,417.00

$24,943.00 $27,401.00     subtotal $107,363.00

Teacher: Special Education

$53,175.00 $54,850.00 $56,525.00 $56,525.00

$57,000.00 $60,625.00 $60,700.00 $60,700.00

$63,925.00 $72,125.00 $73,150.00   subtotal $669,300.00

Speech Pathologist

$65,830.00 $76,960.00     subtotal $142,790.00

School Nurse

$44,000.00 $46,000.00 $53,000.00   subtotal $143,000.00

Instructional Aide

$5,546.00 $10,363.00 $16,915.00 $16,915.00

$17,552.00 $17,552.00 $17,652.00 $17,655.00

$17,655.00 $18,287.00 $18,334.00 $18,649.00

$18,649.00 $18,649.00 $19,087.00 $19,087.00

$19,087.00 $19,087.00 $19,649.00 $19,821.00

$19,821.00 $20,210.00 $20,490.00 $20,990.00

$21,060.00 $21,290.00 $21,290.00 $21,770.00

$22,360.00 $22,620.00 $22,620.00 $22,693.00

$22,759.00 $22,759.00 $22,759.00 $23,401.00

$23,493.00 $23,493.00 $23,493.00 $23,493.00

$23,493.00 $23,493.00 $23,493.00 $24,961.00 subtotal $884,495.00

Head Coach

$4,600.00 $5,500.00     subtotal $115,600.00

Assistant Coach

$2,000.00 $3,700.00 $3,850.00   subtotal $89,700.00

Teacher: Music, Vocal

$1,088.00 $2,175.00 $2,175.00   subtotal $5,438.00

Teacher: Music, Instrumental

$2,063.00 $2,750.00 $2,750.00   subtotal $7,563.00

Teacher: Driver Education

$8,190.00 $8,370.00 $11,880.00   subtotal $28,440.00

Manager, HR & Business

$56,000.00 $98,500.00     subtotal $154,500.00

Student Services Support Staff - Professional

$65,750.00       subtotal $65,750.00

Clerical / Secretarial, High School

$47,068.00 $48,472.00 $49,876.00   subtotal $145,416.00

Clerical / Secretarial, Elementary

$51,280.00 $51,280.00     subtotal $102,560.00


$1,355.00 $5,810.00 $10,561.00 $12,553.00

$18,347.00 $21,832.00 $22,414.00 $23,983.00

$35,611.00 $35,859.00 $36,859.00 $36,859.00

$38,355.00 $43,099.00 $43,099.00 $43,099.00

$43,099.00 $51,315.00 $51,315.00 $51,315.00

$55,974.00       subtotal $682,713.00

Operations and Maintenance

$45,075.00       subtotal $45,075.00

Bus Driver

$10,281.00 $11,396.00 $11,446.00 $12,111.00

$12,418.00 $12,821.00 $14,175.00 $14,382.00

$14,692.00 $14,812.00 $14,832.00 $14,832.00

$14,832.00 $15,139.00 $16,380.00 $16,480.00

$16,480.00 $16,480.00 $16,653.00 $17,145.00

$17,637.00 $18,128.00 $36,259.00   subtotal $359,811.00


$55,974.00       subtotal $55,974.00

Clerical / Secretarial, Central Office

$20,688.00 $29,031.00 $39,563.00 $40,726.00 subtotal $130,008.00

Food Service Staff

$4,693.00 $5,286.00 $6,343.00 $7,400.00

$10,572.00 $12,686.00 $15,726.00 $18,409.00

$19,145.00 $19,775.00 $19,960.00 $21,290.00

$24,417.00 $29,981.00     subtotal $215,683.00

Student Services Support Staff

$275.00 $550.00 $1,000.00 $3,750.00

$5,000.00 $6,100.00 $8,313.00 $10,100.00

$18,255.00 $21,239.00 $22,756.00 $25,031.00

$25,789.00 $34,500.00     subtotal $201,508.00

Computer / Network Technician

$34,608.00 $45,096.00 $59,000.00   subtotal $138,704.00

*WDE 602 data reported as of October 1, 2022 snapshot date. total $11,727,132.00

Pursuant to Wyoming Statute 21-3-110(a)(ii)(A) relating to publication requirements for local school board of trustees: Each Board of Trustees shall publish separate from the minutes of the proceedings once in March of each year. Each individual annual gross salary shall be identified by category and each individual salary shall be published as a gross dollar amount without identification other than by category. All salaries are listed as gross annual salaries and do not include any fringe benefits such as health insurance costs, life insurance benefits and retirement plans.

Publish: March 30, 2023

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