The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Council to advocate library move into MTC

More than a decade after the initial plan was devised, is the Moorcroft Branch Library moving into the MTC?

Members of Moorcroft's council walked through the northeast halls of the Moorcroft Town Center (MTC) last week in anticipation of offering the rooms in that area to the Crook County Commissioners as well as the county library board for use by the Moorcroft branch.

Mayor Ben Glenn shared a bit of the history of the library and the MTC: "Since this building was taken over by the town, the library has always had interest in moving up here and doing something with it so this has been an ongoing development"

He and Commissioner Fred Devish had already examined the rentable space throughout the building and Devish expressed interest in these rooms.

Currently, five rooms in this specific space are used by the Starfish Secondhand Store; however, the MTC Committee has worked under the understanding since the store's inception, Glenn stated, "We've always known and they've always known that if something else comes in, they would have to find another spot."

According to Glenn, Devish is advocating bringing this possible move to the attention of his fellow commissioners now as the present building has developed issues (undisclosed), "and they're looking for a little more space. Their building isn't very big...and the approach is hard for ADA".

Advocating the advantages of such a move to the MTC, Glenn said, "It does a lot for our MTC; it gives us foot traffic. The seniors are here and they're here to stay, once we get up here, we'll be here to stay and I think, with the library, the same will apply. It will kind of feed on itself and maybe get this snowball rolling down the hill."

The format of a possible lease was briefly discussed and those present agreed with the thought, Glenn put forth, "In my mind, you would lease it for a dollar amount and they would pay electric, gas, coal, water, sewer and those costs would be incorporated... The thought I kind of had was sort of a 99-year lease or something along those lines because they are a government entity as well."

After the walkthrough, the three members present will further discuss the matter with Councilmen Austin Smith and Rob Stewart before moving forward by requesting a workshop with the county commissioners.