The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Circuit Court

Speeding – Timothy Signer, Overland Park, KS, 80/70, $105; Elizabeth Kroll, Papillion, NE, 75/65, $105; Taylor Garman, Sundance, WY, 90/65, $185; Paul J. Laurenzi, Milton, DE, 84/70, $140

Fail to Drive Vehicle Within Single Lane – Leonard Schleuning, Beulah, WY, $90

Expired Temporary License Permit/Improper Registration – Benjamin Jasinski, Spearfish, SD, $140

Drive While License Cancelled, Suspended or Revoked – (minor), Newcastle, WY, $440

Waterskiing Violation – Tyler B. Sasse, Moorcroft, WY, $100

Fail to Provide Life Jackets – Nathan W. Davis, Sundance, WY, $150; Oakley A. Viergets, Beulah...