The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Crook County Sheriff's Office Blotter

Sept. 18 – Five VIN checks. Two traffic stops. Paper service. Fingerprints. Lift assist. Motorist assist. Suspicious vehicle. EMS page.

Sept. 19 – Three VIN checks. Three traffic stops. Traffic hazard. Citizen assist. Gun call. Domestic. Suspicious circumstance. Four EMS pages. Fire page.

Sept. 20 – VIN check. Three traffic stops. Unauthorized use of vehicle. Sex offense. Fraud. Assist other agency. Two EMS pages. Fingerprints.

Sept. 21 – Six VIN checks. Two escorts. Three paper services. Fingerprints. REDDI report. Search warrant. House watch. Citizen assist. Fire page. Two EMS pages.

Sept. 2...