The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

C-Bar continues progress

Pine Haven Mayor Karla Brandenburg, along with Public Works Director Sean Glasser and HDR Engineering’s Heath Turbiville met via conference call with KO Construction owner Kelly Lang and Freedom Holdings’ Greg Cottrell to keep abreast of progress onsite at the C-Bar Estates development.

Connections from the remaining lots to main sewer lines on the west side of Pine Haven Road will be completed this week with Turbiville and Glasser on hand to evaluate compaction with the contractor.

After the testing on the west side, work will be moved to the east side of the development next week if weather permits. Turbiville and Glasser have been present for every compaction test thus far, under KO’s auspices, and have approved each assessment.

The previous contractor seems to have “misplaced” needed topsoil after removing nutrient dense dirt that is to be re-laid after any dirt work, so Lang has agreed to bring approximately 3000 yards of outside topsoil to be utilized instead.

The mayor assures surrounding residents, “Everything is coming along great.”