The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Circuit Court

Speeding – Benjamin Ingram, Ellettsville, IN, 86/75, $115; Jose Antonia Saldaha Jr., Seabrook, TX, 45/30, $100; Avigail Rudnick, Saint Louis Park, MN, 85/75, $105; Jennie R. Lacomb, Boca Raton, FL, 25/20, $60; Keeton Rosales, Belle Fourche, SD, 82/70, $120; Jamie Ann Cedar, Dupree, SD, 96/80, $140; Danea Jean Kraft, Upton, WY, 30/20, $100

No Seat Belt (driver) – Lili Fox, Martin, SD, $25; (passenger) – Alexander Gonzales, Gillette, WY, $10

Drive While License Cancelled, Suspended or Revoked – Robert Michael Crawford, Gillette, WY, $440; Joshua Aaron Miller, Gillette, WY, $450; Joshua Aaron Mil...

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