The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Circuit Court

Speeding – Aaron McIver, Atlanta, GA, 90/80, $105; Melissa Yardley, Howell, MI, 85/80, $15; Issac Nordheim, Duluth, MN, 100/80, $160; Dominic Balzer, Bozeman, MT, 50/45, $15; Francisco Solis Bravo, Moreno Valley, CA, 101/80, $165; Katie Olson, Hermosa, SD, 80/75, $15; Robert W. Jennings, Cheyene, WY, 40/20, $170; Benjamin Tow, Des Moines, IA, 50/45, $15; (Truck) – Singh Armandeep, Mission, BC, Canada, 60/45, $430; Singh Guvir, Surry, BC, Canada, 63/45, $445

No Valid Title, Registration and License Plates – Reynaldo Rodriguez, Casper, WY, $250

Expired Temporary License Permit/Improper Registrat...