The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Circuit Court

Speeding – Tom Bradshaw, Gillette, WY, 90/75, $135; Matthew Yoder, Butler, OH, 90/80, $105; Aaron Terrell, Vicksburg, MS, 50/45, $25; Lyle R. Brunson, Sundance, WY, 100/70, $210; Benjamin Chute, Oshoto, WY, 80/75, $15; Leandro Rodrigues Dias, Raynham, MA, 55/45, $105; Steven White, Woodbury, MN, 85/75, $105; Kottie Buck, Rapid City, SD, 80/75, $15; Catina Nickoson, Gillette, WY, 82/70, $120; Joan Wagner, Sundance, WY, 70/65, $65; Thomas Badura, Jefferson, GA, 84/75, $103; (truck) – Robert Behrends, Windom, MN, 50/45, $15

No Seat Belt – Aaron Terrell, Vicksburg, MS, $25

Child Safety Restraint S...