The Voice of the Community Since 1909, Serving Moorcroft and Pine Haven, Wyoming

Council considers new ball court

Moorcroft’s Public Works Director Cory Allison has been exploring the possibility of installing a new basketball court alongside the existing tennis enclosure at Westview Park and has received support from the council.

“Ben [Glenn] has lights that came off that interstate project…We have the hoops and the poles out of the one that was at Noonan Park so I think we can put those in and then we just have to buy some backboards for a couple hundred bucks,” he said.

“Austin [Smith] thought the total project would be around $30,000. That’s with us doing all the dirt work and them forming up, buying the rebar by the cement.”

The existing tennis court at Westview Park is in bad shape and needs restored and the two projects could be combined, according to Councilman Dale Petersen, who said, “If we put them together, we rework the other side as well.”

After ascertaining more information, Allison explained the price could be nearer $40,000 and said of the project, “I don’t know if it’s going to get done now. The ball’s in [the council’s] court, whether they want to do it or not.”

Petersen and Allison have expressed their hope to install the hoops when possible.

The director stated, “It would be something I thought it would be nice to have a place where they could go.”