NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming (“Town”) will accept sealed bids for the purchase of the following surplus real property: N 1/2 of Lot 12 and Lot 13 in Block 2, Second Addition to the Town of Moorcroft, Wyoming (“Lots”). The Lots will be sold in “AS IS” condition, and without title insurance. The Lots will be sold together, with a minimum acceptable bid of $500.00, plus the cost of appraisal for the Lots. The full amount of the accepted bid must be paid to the Town within three (3) business days following bid award. The Lots will be sold subject to restrictive covenants limiting the use and occupancy of the Lots to light commercial/business and prohibiting the placement and use of off-site manufactured buildings or structures on the Lots which are not designed for commercial/business use and which do not comply with Town building codes. Conveyance shall be by warranty deed containing the restrictive covenant, and a copy of the warranty deed shall be available for inspection during business hours in the Town administrative office located at 104 N. Big Horn Avenue, Moorcroft, Wyoming 82721. Bidders may submit bids which specify the Bidder’s intended use and development of the Lots, including planned buildings, structures, and improvements, and make acceptance of the Bidder’s bid contingent upon the Town approval of such development, which approval will remain effective for a period of two (2) years from acceptance of bid. Bids must be submitted to the Town administrative office at the above address in a sealed envelope marked “Second Addition Lots” no later than 14th of July 2023 and will be publicly opened at 7:00 pm on the 26th of July at the Town Council meeting. The Town reserves the right to cancel this call for bids or reject any or all bids.
DATED THIS 27th of July 2023
Town of Moorcroft
Cheryl Schneider
Town Clerk/Treasurer
Publish: June 29, July 6 and 13, 2023